Version Control

We version control all projects at WisdmLabs using Git. Version control allows us to track codebase history, maintain parallel tracks of development, and collaborate without stomping out each other’s changes.

Structure and Package Managementback to top

We structure our projects in such a way that we are not version controlling third party code, rather, they are included via a package manager. For PHP, we use Composer to manage PHP dependencies (also see package managers](/Engineering-Best-Practices/tools/#package-managers)) e.g. WordPress core itself, plugins, and themes. Dependency management structuring is explained more in the Structure section.

We also do not commit compiled files (JS/CSS). This saves us from having to deal with people forgetting to compile files and large merge conflicts. Instead we generate compile files during deployment.

Workflows back to top

At WisdmLabs we consider standardizing a workflow to be a very important part of the development process. Utilizing an effective workflow ensures efficient collaboration and quicker project onboarding. For this reason we use the following workflows company-wide both for internal and client projects.


Commits should be small and independent items of work, containing changes limited to a distinct idea. Distinct commits are essential in keeping features separate, pushing specific features forward, or reversing or rolling back code if necessary.

Commit Messages

The first line of a commit message is a brief summary of the changeset, describing the expected result of the change or what is done to affect change.

git log --oneline -5

# fca8925 Update commit message best practices
# 19188a0 Add a note about autoloading transients
# 9630552 Fix a typo in
# 2309e04 Remove extra markdown header hash
# 5cd2604 Add h3 and h4 styling

This brief summary is always required. It is around 50 characters or less, always stopping at 70. The high visibility of the first line makes it critical to craft something that is as descriptive as possible within space limits.

git commit -m "Add an #Element.matches polyfill to support old IE"

Separated from the summary by a blank line is the longer description. It is optional and includes more details about the commit and its repercussions for developers. It may include links to the related issue, side effects, other solutions that were considered, or backstory. A longer description may be useful during the merge of a feature branch, for example.

git commit

# Merge 'feature/polyfill' into gh-pages
# matches and closest are used to simplify event delegation:
# Promise and fetch are used to simplify async/ajax functionality:


In order to avoid large merge conflicts, merges should occur early and often. Do not wait until a feature is complete to merge master into it. Merging should be done as non-fast-forwards (--no-ff) to ensure a record of the merge exists.


All new development should take place on feature branches that branch off master. When a new feature or bugfix is complete, we will do a non-fast-forward merge from that branch to staging to verify the feature or fix on the stage environment.

When things are absolutely ready to go, we’ll deploy the feature or fix by performing a non-fast-forward merge from that branch to master


All theme projects will treat the master branch as the canonical source for live, production code. Feature branches will branch off master and should always have master merged back into them before requesting peer code review and before deploying to any staging environments.

All staging branches will branch off master as well, and should be named staging or stage-{environment} for consistency and clarity. Staging branches will never be merged into any other branches. The master branch can be merged into both staging and feature branches to keep them up-to-date.

Complex Feature Branches

In some cases, a feature will be large enough to warrant multiple developers working on it at the same time. In order to enable testing the feature as a cohesive unit and avoid merge conflicts when pushing to staging and master it is recommended to create a feature branch to act as a staging area. We do this by branching from master to create the primary feature branch, and then as necessary, create additional branches from the feature branch for distinct items of work. When individual items are complete, merge back to the feature branch. To pull work from master, merge master into the feature branch and then merge the feature branch into the individual branches. When all work has been merged back into the feature branch, the feature branch can then be merged into staging and master as an entire unit of work.

Working with VIP (not Go)

In a VIP environment, we want every commit to the theme’s Subversion repository to be matched 1:1 with a merge commit on our Beanstalk Git repository. This means we add a step to our deployment above: Create a diff between the branch and master before merging. We can apply this diff as a patch to the VIP Subversion repository. Again, make sure to use non-fast-forward merges.

Backporting VIP

In the event that VIP makes a change to the repository, we’ll capture the diff of their changeset and import it to our development repository by:

Deleting Branches

This workflow will inevitably build up a large list of branches in the repository. To prevent a large number of unused branches living in the repository, we’ll delete them after feature development is complete.


Unlike theme development, the master branch represents a stable, released, versioned product. Ongoing development will happen in feature branches branched off a develop branch, which is itself branched off master. This pattern is commonly referred to as the Gitflow workflow.


New features should be branched off develop and, once complete, merged back into develop using a non-fast-forward merge.


When develop is at a state where it’s ready to form a new release, create a new release/<version> branch off of develop. In this branch, you’ll bump version numbers, update documentation, and generally prepare your release. Once ready, merge your release branch (using a non-fast-forward merge) into master and tag the release:

git tag -a <version> -m "Tagging <version>"

Note: Once a version is tagged and released, the tag must never be removed. If there is a problem with the project requiring a re-deployment, create a new version and tag to reflect the change.

Finally, merge master into develop so that develop includes all of the work that was done in your release branch and is aware of the current state of master.

Semantic Versioning

As we assign version numbers to our software, we follow the Semantic Versioning pattern, wherein each version follows a MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH scheme:

Imagine Jake has written a new plugin: WisdmLabsalooza. He might give his first public release version 1.0.0. After releasing the plugin, Jake decides to add some new (backwards-compatible) features, and subsequently releases version 1.1.0. Later, Taylor finds a bug and reports it to Jake via GitHub; no functionality is added or removed, but Jake fixes the bug and releases version 1.1.1.

Down the road, Jake decides to remove some functionality or change the way some functions are used. Since this would change how others interact with his code, he would declare this new release to be version 2.0.0, hinting to consumers that there are breaking changes in the new version of his plugin.

Change Logs

If your plugin is being distributed, it’s strongly recommended that your repository contains a file, written around the Keep A Changelog standard.

Maintaining an accurate, up-to-date change log makes it easy to see – in human-friendly terms – what has changed between releases without having to read through the entire Git history. As a general rule, every merge into the develop branch should contain at least one line in the change log, describing the feature or fix.