
Data migrations are a necessary but often feared part of building applications on the web. Migrations can, and typically are, difficult, but if planned properly, they can be fairly painless. The following are some general guidelines to keep in mind when dealing with a migration. Note that this is not a how-to guide on doing a migration, since all migrations are unique, but these are some general guidelines to follow.

Migration Plan

The first step in any migration project is to document a detailed plan. A typical migration plan is expected to outline:

Make sure to have the plan peer reviewed by at least one other engineer.

Writing Migration Scripts

Now that we have a solid migration plan in place, we are ready to actually write the scripts that will handle the migration. All migrations will vary heavily at this step. Sometimes we can get WXR files and just use the WordPress importer (typically using WP CLI) to handle everything we need. Other times we’ll use the WordPress Importer then write a script to modify data once it’s in WordPress. Other times we’ll write scripts that handle the entire migration process for us.

All of these decisions should be part of the migration plan we put together, so at this point, we know exactly what we are going to do, and we can start work accordingly. WisdmLabs will generally use WP CLI to power these scripts, which gives us great flexibility on what we can do, what output we can show, and typically you’ll have a lot less issues with performance, like memory limits and timeouts.

Thou Shalt Not Forget

The following are some general things to keep in mind when doing these migrations. Note that not all will apply in every scenario and there are items missing from this list, but this gives a good general overview of things to keep in mind.

Potential Side Effects

Even the most carefully planned migration can have issues. The following are some things that might occur if they’re not planned for and tested.

Tips to speed up migrations

function stop_the_insanity() {
	global $wpdb, $wp_object_cache;

	$wpdb->queries = array();

	if ( is_object( $wp_object_cache ) ) {
		$wp_object_cache->group_ops      = array();
		$wp_object_cache->stats          = array();
		$wp_object_cache->memcache_debug = array();
		$wp_object_cache->cache          = array();

		if ( method_exists( $wp_object_cache, '__remoteset' ) ) {

Requirements for a successful migration